| Mamalief Kraamzorg | INFO@MAMALIEF.NL / 06 - 81 36 58 92 |
| Breast and bottle feeding
Breastfeeding is the best start for you and your baby . Sweet Mommy Maternity believes it is important that (future) parents receive information in a professional manner
so you can make a conscious choice what food you are going to give . to your baby
A good guidance on breastfeeding is important for its success . To ensure this guidance Sweet Mama Maternity is trained maternity nurses employed . Our maternity nurses are trained annually in the field of nursing. In addition, Sweet Mama Maternity also contact for any lactation lactation care .
On the website www.borstvoeding.nl you find more information about the organizations active in the field of protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding .
Sweet Mommy Maternity operates according to the known ten tips for successful breastfeeding .
10 rules of thumb
UNICEF and WHO ( World Health Organisation ) are convinced that health care , and in particular the pre-and postnatal care , exert a major influence on the success of breastfeeding . Following the Code of 1981 identified ten principles in 1990 at an international level for a good breastfeeding policy . Following these ten tips for successful breastfeeding .
All settings for maternal and child health should be required to ensure that care:
- They have a policy on breastfeeding on paper , that default is made known to all staff involved
- All staff involved in learning the skills necessary for carrying out that policy
- All pregnant women be informed about the benefits and practice of breastfeeding
- Mothers within an hour after the birth of their child are breastfeeding helped
- Explained ( expectant ) mothers how they should keep their babies and how they can maintain milk production, even if the baby from the mother should be separated
- Newborns no food other than breast-fed or extra fluid , unless medically indicated
- Mother and child day and night stay in a room together ( " rooming - in " )
- Breastfeeding on demand is pursued
- To newborns who receive no pacifier or dummy data breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding support groups ( parent groups ) can be formed and that (future ) mothers are referred to the termination of the care for these groups
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